Tuesday, October 8, 2013

New Hampshire Pattern Hunt

Anyone who knows me knows I love patterns.  Old, new, used, home dec, doll clothes....I love them all.  I'm on a mission to rescue as many as I can from estate sales, tag sales, flea markets and people's basements and attics.  Sometimes I hit a jackpot like I did yesterday at New England Fabrics in Keene, New Hampshire.  Discontinued Vogue, McCall, Kwik Sew, Butterick and Simplicity for a buck apiece - can't beat that! I indulged but most of them are destined for my Etsy pattern shop Shelleyville so they can move on to a better life and I can make room to buy more and not feel guilty.  Here's a sampling of what I got...

I'm keeping this one for myself as I LOVE the gathered detail in the back and I've been itching to sew something for myself...it's been so long since I've done that.  I'm going to give it a try in that teal blue/green cotton with the dots on it.  The reviewers in PatternReview.com say it goes together fast and they're happy with it so I'm pretty confident I'll be happy too!